: Flow and decisions - almost a parable (I forget exactly but I’m pretty sure this is from an Alan Watts lecture). A farmer needs some …
: [NN Series 4/n] Feature Normalisation This is an interesting one as I’d thought it was quite academic, with limited utility. Then I …
: From Green Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson.
: [NN Series 3/n] Calculating the error before quantisation: Gradient Descent Next I’m looking at the Adaline in python code. This post is a mixture of what I’ve …
: [NN Series 2/n] Circuits that can be trained to match patterns: The Adaline The text discusses the development and significance of the Adaline artificial neuron, highlighting …
: #BeingHuman - look after your << self >>: love is all it needs. The author shares personal reflections on self-kindness and positive thinking as tools for finding …
: #BeingHuman and a Dad. My wife and I have 3 main concerns with our daughters use of phones and Social Media what her …
: Pondering Agency and Consciousness #BeingHuman Had a nice exchange about Agency with Paul Burchard on LinkedIn this morning. My thinking goes …
: [NN Series 1/n] From Neurons to Neural Networks: The Perceptron This post looks at the Percepton, from Frank Rosenblatt’s original paper to a practical …
: This is not normal nor is it ok. Meta is now the pervy old man you have to teach your kids to avoid. …
: Nice opening. Looking forward to reading more! Nous pouvons et devons bâtir l’intelligence …
: First test with a “reasoning” model, pleasantly surprised. Not sure how to integrate it …
: How do humans decipher reward in an uncertain state and environment? Imitation seems the most …
: If I could answer any question in science, I’d find out what involvement the neurons in our …
: [RL Series 2/n] From Animals to Agents: Linking Psychology, Behaviour, Mathematics, and Decision Making intro Maths, computation, the mind, and related fields are a fascination for me. I had thought I was …
: The challenges of being human: mistaking prediction, narratives, and rhetoric for reasoning I read an insightful comment within the current wave of LLM Reasoning hype. It has stuck with me. At …
: [RL Series 1/n] Defining Artificial Intelligence and Reinforcement Learning intro I’m learning about Reinforcement Learning, it’s an area that has a lot of intrigue …
: What is Off-Policy learning? I’ve recently dug into Temporal Difference algorithms for Reinforcement Learning. The field of …
: Are LLM learning skills rather than being Stochastic Parrots? A Theory for Emergence of Complex Skills in Language Models Skill-Mix: a Flexible and Expandable …
: Domain Specific Languages Ray Myers has started his Year of Domain Specific Languages 🎉 I listened to the first episode …
: Finished reading: Red Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson 📚 A great book, other than it being a highly …
: Dopamine as temporal difference errors !! 🤯 I expect I’m sharing a dopamine burst that I experienced! 🤓 I’m listening to The …
: It is possible for dopamine to write cheques that the environment cannot cash. At which point the …
: Nice lunch time walk into the village
: Nice summary and stark reminder of what’s happening right now. Only CEOs are making the …
: [video] Crew.ai experiment with Cyber Threat Intelligence
: Agentic behaviours My initial thoughts, expressed via the medium of sport, on agentic behaviours plus friends view, …
: [short] Why use tools with an LLM?
: Project Euler meets Powershell - Problem #4 <# A palindromic number reads the same both ways. The largest palindrome made from the product of …
: Project Euler meets Powershell - reworking factorial to avoid PowerShell 1000 recursions limit Turns out it was the recursion the factorial function - I’ve reworked it to use a for loop function …
: Project Euler meets Powershell - Problem #3 amonkeyseulersolutions: I’ve read that an integer p > 1 is prime if and only if the factorial (p …
: Project Euler meets Powershell - largest prime factor of a value? things to do… No more than the square root of the value. test each value? start from the square root …
: Project Euler meets Powershell - isprime I’ve read that an integer p > 1 is prime if and only if the factorial (p - 1)! + 1 is divisible …
: Project Euler meets Powershell - factorial... function factorial { [cmdletbinding()] param([int64] $x) if ($x -lt 1) { return "Has to be on a …
: Project Euler - Problem 2 Each new term in the Fibonacci sequence is generated by adding the previous two terms. By starting …
: Project Euler meets Powershell - Problem 1 If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The …