Finished reading: Red Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson 📚

A great book, other than it being a highly recommended space opera I had little prior knowledge of it.

It’s a story of building a community and industry, starting with scientists, on Mars. Told from the viewpoint of multiple characters, the protagonists are fascinating and you read their stories about why they are on Mars and what they do when there!

The characters are great, each with a unique viewpoint and set of skills; the charismatic dreamer-leader John, grumpy geologist Ann, passionate leader Maya, supremely focused leader Frank, geeky terraformer Sax, enigmatic botanist Hiroku, rebellious Arkady, homesick psychologist Micheal, and the pragmatic engineer Nadia. There are more as well.

The arcs made me feel for the character, want them to succeed, and challenged my view of what was right for the group of Martians in a surprising way.

Had to stop myself immediately picking up Green Mars so I could reflect on it.